Chapter 511
Murong Xue only felt that she had never been so happy before, and she had no burden at all at this moment!
You don't have to think about the hundred hidden guards who are practicing every day, and you don't have to think about whether there will be any emergencies in the court.

She just thinks about what she likes!what to buy!What to eat!
So walking down the half street, several servants took a lot of things in their hands, and some people even started to deliver them to the carriage behind, and then returned to continue to take them.

Dongfang Ling followed her silently, watching the girl happily looking around, and suddenly felt emotional——

"I really regret that I didn't bring you to Dashun earlier, so you are happy here. It seems that Yanchi's dark weather all year round makes people feel a lot more dull."

The woman who was picking up a puppet suddenly froze her smile, and her hands were still in the air, as if she was thinking about what he said.

After a while, he turned around slowly and said:

"Actually, there is also sadness here."

There was so much helplessness in her words, that kind of bitterness would even hurt the hearts of those who listened.

She had spoken so far that he had to ask.

But he still opened his mouth carefully so as not to touch some places that shouldn't be touched.

He says--

"Since setting off to Dashun, I feel that you seem to have something on your mind, but you can't figure it out...Xue, you can say it or not, but I really hope that the thing that is in your heart will not affect your life."

Murong Xue was absent-minded for a moment, as if she was thinking.

When he came back to his senses again, he shook his head and said:

"Actually, there's nothing we can't say, there is one... Hey!"

Just halfway through speaking, he was suddenly bumped by a person who jumped out from the side of the street.

The man didn't seem to look at the road at all, he just ran wildly, turning around, and knocked down a lot of stalls.

(End of this chapter)

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