Chapter 512
She supported the stall to stand firm, and then went to look at the person who ran past.

Judging from the attire, it is a woman.

She was tall and wore a colorful dress, but it was so short that her feet and a part of her calf were exposed.

The running figure of that man was very exaggerated, not to mention staggering here and there, he was simply running forward like having fun, without the slightest bit of restraint of a woman.

Murong Xue shrugged her shoulders, and then looked at the pair of big feet exposed outside, and knew that it was a man dressed as a woman!

At this time, a vendor who was bumped into shouted unhappily——

"Hey! Why did you run away without saying hello when you hit something!"

He wanted to shout again, but immediately saw a group of officers and soldiers running towards this side in a hurry, and shouted at the same time——

"The person in front, stop him quickly!"

Then another officer said——

"Stop with your hands! Don't hit!"

The "puchi" on the street burst into laughter, and those who were still upset after being knocked down also laughed, not thinking about the loss.

Dongfang Ling protected Murong Xue behind him, and the group was wondering what was going on with this strange Dashun, how could they be so happy after being hit by something.

But I could hear the people next to me chatting on their own.

humane -

"Hey! Our precious prince escaped from marriage again! This time he actually pretended to be a woman!"

Someone nearby matches:

"That's not right! I just looked at that woman awkwardly, but I didn't expect it to be the prince again."

Murong Xue blinked, and was very curious about the conversation between the two, so she couldn't help asking casually——

"What are you talking about? The prince escaped marriage?"

Dongfang Ling was also puzzled, they came to congratulate Prince Dashun on his wedding, why did they watch such a good show as soon as they arrived in the capital?
(End of this chapter)

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