Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 519 The Deal Between Hermit and Xiyao

Chapter 519 The Deal Between Hermit and Xiyao

Throwing down a word, the woman walked away on her own.

Xiyao, who was still there, listened to the words, but just smiled, and didn't say much.

Over the years, she has already gotten used to it.

Ever since she found Dongsheng alone, she was ready to be looked down upon and criticized.

If it weren't for Emperor Chongren's love for Ah Tong, and Empress Yifei's longing for her sister, she might not have been able to stay in Dongsheng's palace at all, let alone the status of Princess Pearl.

But think about it again, a Princess Luoxue, and Princess Mingzhu, the princess is still a bit shorter than other princesses.

She worked hard, but in the end she still couldn't sit on an equal footing with her.

"You should know your identity!" Seeing Yinyao walking away, Yinyi's voice was light, but it was a serious warning-"Although Dongsheng gave you the name of the princess, in fact you are nothing The reason why I brought you here is because you said that your goal is to increase the value of Yanchi's second prince, Dongfang. If your success allows me to return Azhu, then I am willing to recognize you as my sister!"

Yin Yao nodded and left silently.

The bursts of pain in my heart will never go away, as long as I close my eyes, I will look like Dongfang Ling when I was at the gate of the palace just now.

It's been three years, and she hasn't seen him for three years.

Not only did that man not fade from her memory, but her thoughts became more and more intense.

Until today when we meet again, that kind of surging mood can only be suppressed to the bottom of my heart with all my strength.

Xiyao didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to be so persistent, but she had to fight for it.

In life, one must always be worthy of one's own heart.

The one who was also involved in such entanglements with her was Yin Yi.

In order to get Murong Xue, he has gone too far on this side road.

He knew that by now, it seemed that it could no longer be taken back.

(End of this chapter)

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