Chapter 520
At this time, Dongfang Ling and his party also arrived at the palace arranged for them.

A palace servant from Dashun led them to their respective houses and told them that there would be a palace banquet tonight, which was specially set up to welcome Yanchi's distinguished guests.

Dongfang Ling accepted it with a smile, knowing in his heart that this was a gesture deliberately made by Dashun.

They are related to Dongsheng, but they also know that Dongsheng is affiliated with Yanchi, and there is no way to compete with Yanchi in terms of military strength or national power.

Now that the envoys of the two countries come together, they naturally respect Yan Chi.


In order to welcome this palace banquet, the busiest person is Biqing.

While flipping through the box of clothes that Murong Xue brought, he couldn't help complaining:

"In the box that I didn't bring, there is a goose-yellow palace dress, the most beautiful and gorgeous. If I bring it, I can wear it tonight."

While eating the snacks brought by the palace servants, Murong Xue said helplessly:
"It doesn't matter, you can wear whatever you want, I don't care about those."

Biqing also laughed, isn't it true that such a beautiful woman, even if she wears the rough clothes of the servants, she is like a fairy, and no one can compare.

"That's what I said, but it has to be more formal. After all, it's the first palace banquet in Dashun. You are Yanchi's princess, so you can't let others compare."

The words were spoken lightly, and at the same time, he shook his hands, unfolded a light blue palace dress, and at the same time praised:
"This one is not bad, it's not too wordy, but it's still noble." But after a while, she frowned slightly, and said to herself, "But isn't it too plain? The color is too light."

"I want that one!" The girl who was eating snacks suddenly stood up and stretched out her hand into the box—"This one is good!"

Biqing turned her head to look, and saw that what she was mentioning was a pure white long dress that fell to the floor. It was matched with a veil of the same color, adorned with several gemstones.

(End of this chapter)

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