Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 523 Memories about Tang Chu are creeping up

Chapter 523 Memories about Tang Chu are creeping up

Dongfang Ling's voice continued——

"The old emperor shouldn't, and arranged another girl for him. Just like the current prince, he kept running away from marriage. But later, the old emperor tied the dancing prostitute to the palace to threaten his son to return to the palace. He When he finally came back, he had no choice but to agree to the marriage. The maiko offered to dance one last song for him, and the old emperor agreed. But during the last song and dance, the maiko bumped her head to death in the current Wenlefang. After Zhen became emperor, in order to commemorate the woman she once loved, she named the place Wenlefang after her name Awen."

It's a very poignant story, although Dongfang Ling didn't tell it vividly, and even spoke lightly to explain her doubts.

But Murong Xue was still fascinated, and still developed a little affection for Emperor Jing Zhen of Dashun Kingdom.

"At least he tried hard!" she murmured softly, "At least Emperor Jingzhen once tried hard for love, that's enough. I really hope that the prince who is running away can escape and be with his beloved woman If I were Jingzhen, I would never let such a tragedy happen to my son again."

Dongfang Ling couldn't help raising his hand to pat her on the head, and then said:
"That's what you can say! What if you are Jingzhen? This is about beheading!"

She shook her hand casually and said nothing more.

I just want to meet the prince who has run away many times. If possible, she is willing to help him and let him find happiness.

When thinking this way, there was an inexplicable twitch in the corner of her heart that was carefully hidden.

She held it back with her hands, took two deep breaths, and finally suppressed that emotion.

But it is still strange, why the memory about Tang Chu, after entering the territory of Dashun, especially after entering the palace, started to move around, even a little out of control?


55555, I got up late, and it was too late... Khan
(End of this chapter)

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