Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 524 Entering the Wenle Workshop

Chapter 524 Entering the Wenle Workshop

When the two of them brought Bi Qing and Xiao An to Wen Le Fang, it was already full of people.

Except for the emperor of Dashun, the envoys from other countries have already arrived.

Yin Yi took the two women to sit in a side seat, which was very suitable for a small country like Dong Sheng.

The accompanying women from all over the world are covered with veils, of course, except for the servants.

But for people who are familiar with each other, even if the entire face is covered by a veil, it can be seen who is who.

For example, Murong Xue, Xiyao, and Yinyao.

Almost as soon as they walked into the gate of Wenlefang, the people from Dongsheng cast their eyes on this place immediately.

Yin Yi and Yin Yao were looking at her, while Xi Yao was staring at Dong Fang Ling without blinking.

Seeing them coming, many people got up to greet each other, quite a few of them enthusiastically pulled Dongfang Ling to ask questions.

Yanchi Country is not necessarily rich, and it is much worse than Dashun.

However, Yan Chi's people's livelihood is strong, and his soldiers are strong and his horses are strong, which is unmatched.

Therefore, Dongfang Ling naturally became the object of closeness to everyone, and quickly became the focus of this music workshop.

Murong Xue didn't recognize these people, and she wasn't interested in greeting them, so she took Biqing to the seat where she should sit with the palace servants leading her.

This location is the closest to the main stage, just a few steps away from Emperor Jingzhen's dragon chair, which shows that Dashun attaches great importance to Yanchi.

As soon as she sat down, someone immediately served tea one by one, and some girls came to ask her what she wanted to eat.

When Murong Xue made it clear that she didn't need any extra things, the servants retreated.

The etiquette is very thoughtful.

There are quite a few fruits on the table that you can't eat at all when you are in Yanchi, and even Biqing has never even seen them.

(End of this chapter)

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