Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 535 Sadness With a Smile

Chapter 535 Sadness With a Smile

Tang Chu was taken aback, and casually grabbed an old book next to him, making a gesture to knock Yinyao on the head.

Yin Yao stared, but didn't hide, and said directly:

"What's the matter? Do you still want to hit me?"

Tang Chu rolled his eyes and put his hands down.

The two sat quietly for a while, and finally someone couldn't help it, and broke the silence——

"What did you just say wishful thinking!"

Yinyao smiled "puchi", then said:
"That means you're wishful thinking! Ren Jiaxue is the future daughter-in-law of the second prince Yanchi, why are you mixing it up!"

Tang Chu stood up with a "huh", with an angry smile on his face——

"How come! Didn't you see how happy Xuexue was when she called me just now? She missed me too! We haven't seen each other for many years, I..."

As he spoke, he lost his confidence.


Long time no see!

Four years, four years, is enough for many things to happen!
What's more, at the beginning it was his wishful thinking that Xuexue would marry you when she grew up, but the other party didn't give any response at all, let alone a promise.

Now it seems that Tang Chu is the one who is getting hot.

He believes that he is not the kind of person who is greedy for beauty, and he also believes that it is not because of Murong Xue's stunning appearance that he has been obsessed with Murong Xue for so many years.

He only knew that he was a trustworthy person, and he didn't just say he wanted to marry her at the beginning, so naturally he wouldn't just give up and forget now.

He is the prince of Dashun. Although he can't promise what he promises in many cases, there is absolutely no reason to change easily what he has made up his mind to pursue.

Seeing the sudden change of mood of the man in front of her, she was a little confused.

His face, which has been smiling for almost 360 days, is carrying a slight sadness, that kind of sadness matched with the naturally curved lips, it is so sad, so heartbreaking...

(End of this chapter)

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