Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 536 Why does Tang Chu care more about famous badges than she does?

Chapter 536 Why does Tang Chu care more about fame than her?
The palace banquet was completely disrupted because of Tang Chu's escape.

The night in Dashun came later, the palace banquet was said to be held at night, but when everyone sat down, the sun still hadn't set.

However, after such a toss, the dark scene has quietly arrived.

When Yinyao in the attic realized that it was getting late, sleepiness had already crept up.

"Hey!" She called out to the person sitting next to her, "It's getting dark, what should we do? We can't stay here all night, can we?"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly remembered something, then stood up all of a sudden, wrapped his arms around his body, stepped back step by step, and said vigilantly at the same time:
"I, I can tell you! We are alone and widowed in the same room, so you must not be tempted. Otherwise, or else, my brother will...will destroy your Dashun!"

In a moment of urgency, she even forgot that Dashun's national strength was many times stronger than Dongsheng's.

Even if Yin Yi had that thought, she didn't have that ability at all.

It's just that Tang Chu didn't hear the second part of her sentence at all, but the previous words reminded him.

So the smiling man also stood up, looked around under Yin Yao's panicked eyes, and finally stopped at the window.

Then he snorted softly and said:
"There is a small terrace outside this window. I'd better stay there and take a nap. I can't spend the night in the same room with you. If Xuexue finds out about it, I'll be miserable. La la! She'll catch me and throw me in the pigsty!"

Suddenly, Yin Yao had an urge to strangle him to death!
She's the girl, okay?

Shouldn't she be the one who should worry about losing her reputation?

Why does this idiot seem to care more than she does?

So, under Yinyao's angrily watching, Tang Chu climbed up the window clumsily, then turned around and grinned at her, showing two rows of small white teeth, smiling so harmlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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