Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 542 Let's go for a night tour

Chapter 542 Let's go for a night tour
The people in the yard stood for a long time before leaving, she shook her head vigorously, she just felt that the current scene was a bit chaotic, why did everyone show up all of a sudden?

The most puzzling thing was Tang Chu, obviously she was the one who watched him fall off the cliff.

Given the weather conditions and environment at that time, he really had no hope of survival.

She always thought he was dead, and made herself feel guilty for so many years, who knew that idiot would miraculously appear again.

Not only appeared, but also made such a farce.

Really... really don't know if she should be happy that he's still alive, or angry that he's still such an idiot.

Left and right couldn't sleep, so they simply changed their clothes and prepared to visit Dashun Palace at night.

Of course, nocturnal excursions cannot be aboveboard.

Her goal is to find her ruby ​​hairpin. Didn't it mean that it is in the hands of the emperor, so she can only go to the emperor's bedroom to have a look.

It is best if you can find it. If you can’t find it, you should be familiar with the environment.

Anyway, the palace in Dashun is very beautiful, and it is not bad to take a tour.

This is a very strange feeling, maybe people's state of mind will really change with different environments!

In this beautiful Dashun, even if she wanted to steal something, she would do so with ease and with a smile on her face.

I don't know if it's because of the scenery of Dashun, or because of the smiling face of Tang Chu that keeps flashing in my mind.

In short, when Murong Xue left her palace, she was relaxed.

It is not difficult to find the emperor's bedchamber. The palace was already in chaos because everyone was looking for the crown prince and Princess Dongsheng.

She didn't have to avoid people, she just walked openly, and from time to time looked at the direction in which the soldiers were hurrying, so as to identify the location of the main hall of the harem.

Soon she arrived at Jing Zhen's bedroom, she didn't know if the emperor was late in her palace tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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