Chapter 543
There are three hundred beauties in the harem, and God knows where the only man will stay overnight.

However, the crown prince is lost. For such a big event, the emperor would not have time to visit his concubine, right?

Thinking in this way, people have already quietly entered the palace courtyard.

Of course, she climbed over the wall to get in.

As she grew older and taller, she no longer needed embroidery needles to make footings when she climbed the wall.

The movements are sharper and more precise than they were a few years ago.

After successfully avoiding the guards in the yard, when she reached under the window of the master bedroom, she found that Dashun's guards were a little... a little too casual.

This is the emperor's bedroom, but why doesn't the girl guarding the door stand straight, but two people sit together on the stone steps at the door and look at the stars side by side?

From time to time, there are guards passing by, looking at the two of them, and chatting without saying a word.

Murong Xue wiped her sweat with her sleeves, this Dashun was already hot, seeing this Mu Mu, she only felt that her sweat was about to drip down to her chin.

I was thinking about whether I should jump in from the back window, or lift the tiles from the roof to find out the situation first.

At this moment, the two girls who were sitting in front of the door suddenly stood up, and then ran towards the gate of the palace courtyard together with several guards.

She also looked over there, but she saw that several guards who were looking for someone came to report back.

I only heard one person in the head say:

"What should I do, the prince has not been found yet! Do you want to report to the emperor?"

Then a girl replied:

"I haven't found anyone, so why report it! What the emperor wants to hear is good news. If you report it if you don't find it, isn't that scolding! Let me tell you, the emperor and the queen are studying in the room how to punish the prince. !So in order for the plans of the masters not to fail, you must find the prince back!"

(End of this chapter)

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