Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 548 Enviable Family Love

Chapter 548 Enviable Family Love

"Concubine Ling?" The queen contradicted, "What's going on? Who is King Ling?"

"Yanchi's second prince!" Jing Zhen answered happily this time.

The queen is quitting—

"Hey! Isn't this robbing our son? This... alas!" He sighed, "Chu'er is really not struggling, already has such a strong opponent, how can he still be at this juncture?" Picked the wrong person? You said that if he finds the right person, the two run hand in hand, and then cook the raw rice into the cooked rice! Wouldn’t this daughter-in-law be in hand! Really!”

Murong Xue couldn't take it anymore, really couldn't take it anymore.

She felt that if she stayed in this room any longer, she would collapse, and would be suffocated by the laughter that could not be uttered.

So, I didn't look for the hairpin anymore, I didn't care about anything, I just went back as I came here...

It wasn't until he got out of the courtyard wall of the emperor's bedroom that he looked around and saw that there was no one around, then he supported the tree with one hand and laughed heartily.

It's been a long, long time since she smiled like this. This kind of smile that is completely from the heart, this kind of laughter that is completely teased, made her happiness reach the limit in an instant.

At the end of the laugh, tears flowed, which was a kind of envious tears.

Yes, she was envious of Tang Chu, she was going crazy with envy.

The family relationship in the previous life was already too close to her. In the past ten or twenty years, the days of being accompanied by her parents have faded so much that she has forgotten many details.

But in this life, most of what she sees is Yan Chi's family affection which is not considered family affection at all.

Conspiracies and plots between brothers, mutual defense between father and son.

Maybe they are related by blood.But as soon as that kind of kiss involves the royal family, there is no more affection.

She was crying and laughing like this, but she didn't notice that there was a person not far away beside her, standing quietly in the garden, looking at all this with a deep sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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