Chapter 549 Concubine Yinshu

Yin Yao wryly smiled, and looked down the window, but saw that Tang Chu was happily surrounded by a group of Yulin soldiers, and then happily followed them away.

Suddenly, I feel a little lost, the sky is already white at this moment, the light that suddenly shines from the sky sprinkles the morning light in this room, but it also illuminates the memories of this night without a trace.

It's like a dream, it's very short, and the impression is very deep, but it has to be forcibly forgotten.

A dream is a dream, and when you wake up, there is nothing left.

But looking at the crowd receding away, the small courtyard regained the tranquility of last night, as if nothing had happened before.

If it wasn't for her being alone in this small attic, Yinyao would even wonder if a person named Tang Chu really appeared in this world.

But what about certain existence?

What he was looking for was Murong Xue. In front of that woman, no one had the slightest chance of winning, including her...

Finally, he came downstairs and walked along the path they left.

When she was treated to someone, she was quickly recognized.

Yin Yao didn't avoid people, that's good too, lest she can't find her way back.

The disappearance of Tang Chu and Yinyao was so exhausting that the palace was full of people all night. Now that they finally came back, they were still called by people from the two parties, euphemistically called: talk!
It was Dashun's queen and his mother who talked to Tang Chu.

And it was Dashun's Concubine Shu who was looking for Yinyao to talk to, that is, her second sister.

When Concubine Yinshu married to Dashun, Yinyao was still very young. She didn't have a deep impression of this elder sister, but she knew that Yinyi had a very good relationship with her.I often hear hermit talking about it, so I also have some concerns in my heart.

Seeing it now, I just feel that this second elder sister is very dignified and elegant, she should be in her 20s, but she is dressed a bit old-fashioned, and she looks older than her mother and concubine.


It's updated here today!Today's chapter fourteen, hoo hoo!
Routine advertisements - "The Concubine Secret Service 1: There is a Phoenix Laiyi", "The Alluring Medical Concubine Embraces the Emperor's Favor: The Palace Doctor Sighs"

Oh yeah!
(End of this chapter)

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