Chapter 573
"Sister Biqing! I found Shuang'er! That dancing girl from Yuan'er is Shuang'er! Can you help me get her here? That child has suffered a lot, and I, I have to make it up to her. "

Biqing shook her head helplessly, not knowing what to say about her.

Even though such a big event just happened, why doesn't she seem to take it to heart at all?

Seeing that Bi Qing was staring at her without moving, Murong Xue came back to her senses, and said again:

"Do you want to talk about what happened by the lake just now? That's nothing, it's just a disgusting method used by Dongsheng. There's nothing to think about."

A word just fell into the ears of Dongfang Ling who came into the courtyard.

He laughed involuntarily, met her eyes head-on, and then gave a thumbs up as a gesture of praise.

He knew that such a clumsy method could not pose any threat between them.

After getting along for so many years, if a misunderstanding can easily create trouble among them, then he, Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue, would have failed too.

"Why are you sitting here?" He went forward and knelt down in front of her, "It's cool in the night, let's go inside!"

Murong Xue let out a "puchi" laugh, then pointed to his wet clothes, and said, "You still said that you are the one who wants to go into the house to shelter from the wind and change clothes! I said Dongfang Ling, I just went through a Zhang Xiangyan, you really didn’t tell me anything?”

When she spoke, she was playful, and she really didn't have the slightest interrogation posture.

Dongfang Ling smiled wryly,
"The prince Dongsheng has been living longer and returning to life these years. Why do I think he is not as smart as he was many years ago!"

she nodded
"Yes! Yin Yi's work is a bit out of standard, but Xiyao's performance is really wonderful. He took the initiative to take off his clothes and devote himself... You see, we don't care, but this storm will definitely rise from then on. People’s words are scary, so don’t be too careless.”

(End of this chapter)

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