Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 574 It seems that hermit is quite smart

Chapter 574 It seems that hermit is quite smart

"I know." He also darkened.

Thinking about it carefully, perhaps what Yin Yi wanted was not a promise he made on the spot, nor was it the effect of provoking the relationship between him and Murong Xue at that time.

All he wanted, it seemed, was gossip after this.

Even if they didn't care about it at the time, it will be more and more black and white sooner or later.

At that time, no one's face will be bright, and no one will lose face.

But it is hermit who sits back and enjoys the benefits, anyway, the one who loses face is Xiyao, and has nothing to do with him.

He smiled coldly, seeing Murong Xue looking over, he opened his mouth and said:
"It seems that Yin Yi is still very smart." Then he stood up, no longer wanting to continue this topic.But he didn't leave, but said: "Have you seen Shuang'er?"

She nodded:
"I see you. I was telling Sister Biqing to ask her to find Shuang'er to live here. Do you think you want to say hello to the people from Dashun?"

Dongfang Ling thought for a while and said:

"It's fine to take it over, you sisters haven't seen each other for so many years, that child Shuang'er must have suffered a lot." Looking at Biqing again, "You can do it!"

Bi Qing leaned over to answer the errand, and then retreated.

When there were only the two of them left in the corridor, Murong Xue stood up, took the initiative to pull Dongfang Ling's body to one side, and then walked around to push his back, walking forward while saying:

"Hurry back and change your clothes! Otherwise, don't come and complain to me if you are suffering from the wind and cold! I will ask the girl to prepare water for bathing. You can go to bed after taking a bath. You should wash your eyes well after seeing something you shouldn't have seen just now. Don't dream of that Xiyao at night!"

Dongfang Ling laughed,
"Why do I feel that seeing me and Xiyao together like that, not only is not angry, but also seems quite happy."

She quickly answered—

(End of this chapter)

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