Chapter 579

She seemed a little bit unbelievable, and raised her head in a daze and asked:



The sound of "really" came from two voices at the same time.

The two looked along the prestige, and saw Dongfang Ling coming at a leisurely pace, followed by Biqing who was holding a stack of clothes.

Shuang'er was a little restrained, and wanted to stand up and salute Dongfang Ling, but was pushed back by his outstretched hand.

The hand pressed against her shoulder, firmly and with great strength, but it didn't hurt.

Shuang'er felt warm in her heart, but it was only because she was moved.

"Why are you here!" Murong Xue spoke first, feeling embarrassed.Then he persuaded Shuang'er: "Eat quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Biqing also came forward at this time, put the clothes in her hand into the cabinet on the side, and said at the same time:

"Shuang'er, these are prepared by Snow Maiden. They are very beautiful clothes, which fit you well."

Shuang'er suddenly didn't know what to do, this long-lost happiness brought her memory back to many years ago.

At that time, she lived in Prince Ling's Mansion, and everyone treated her so well.

Speaking of it, it was still a twist of fate, that one was so big that it frightened the horse, and the one she was riding ran not far away, but when she fell, it happened to land in front of a brothel.

Those people dragged her into the house without even thinking about it, and then...

Shaking his head subconsciously, he didn't want to think about those nightmarish years anymore, he lowered his head and ate the porridge cooked by Murong Xue himself bit by bit.

Very fragrant and sweet.

After she finished drinking, Murong Xue returned to her side in time, pulled her and said:

"Xiangguo is hosting a banquet in the mansion tonight, please let me go with him! Can you go with us?"

Shuang'er was startled slightly, then shook her head,
"No, I'm not going."

She couldn't attend that kind of occasion with them. Shuang'er knew who she was. Even if she was redeemed from the Tian Song and Dance Workshop, how many people in this Dashun country and the capital of Dashun didn't know her?
She can't embarrass them, absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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