Chapter 580

As if he could guess her mind, Dongfang Ling shook his head slightly, but didn't try to persuade her, just said:

"Just go back to Yanchi!"


This evening, the Xiangguo Mansion held a banquet, which seemed to be specially for entertaining Dongfang Ling and his party.

But it's not surprising, in such a country, only Yanchi can advance side by side with Dashun.

The national strengths of the two countries are equal, and neither is superior to the other, and neither is inferior to the other.

It's just that Dashun only talks about business and is not warlike, which has allowed the people of the two countries to live in peace for hundreds of years.

This Xiangguo Mansion is very big and luxurious, Murong Xue looked at it, it seemed to be a bit more expensive than Dongfang Ling's Lingwang Mansion.

But this is also normal. Once Dongfangling is inspected, it is not easy to enjoy it extravagantly.

Secondly, Dashun is also really rich, and Xiangguo is a first-rank official, so his mansion should naturally be more grand.

Dongfang Ling sat down with Murong Xue's style, and it was Xiangguo who raised his glass first and offered the first glass of wine.

Then everyone pushed the cups and changed the cups, and you and I still communicated with each other.

She doesn't want to listen to those who have nothing to say, no matter how well she speaks, no matter how affectionate she is, it is nothing more than a matter of the scene.If something happens, no one can help anyone.

She was really interested in the woman who was dancing in the arena at that time, because that woman was none other than the future princess who sat next to Tang Chu at the palace banquet that day.

This woman must have received strict dance training, and the flexibility of her limbs was perfectly displayed in that swing, which was so beautiful.

Seeing her fascinated by the dancers, Xiangguo took the initiative to talk to her, saying——

"Princess Luoxue's zither music that day really amazed everyone. My little girl is not talented. She just learned some dances in elementary school. Today, she is very skilled, so she must dance!"

She smiled and nodded as a response.

Seeing that he didn't like to talk, Xiangguo stopped talking, and raised his head to watch his daughter's dance.

In that gaze, there was endless love and pity.


There is a chapter missing in the previous chapter, chapter 713, please read it again.Excuse me

(End of this chapter)

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