Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 611 Why Not Just Kill Her

Chapter 611 Why Not Just Kill Her
Murong Xue gave Dongfang Ling a white look——

"Why are you scaring her!"

He shrugged:

"You all know it's just scaring! What are you afraid of." Looking at Murong Shuang again, he said, "Shuang'er is right, with your sister as a beauty, who would look up to anything else."

The voices of a few people are relaxed, but everyone understands in their hearts that people's words are terrifying. Xiyao spread these things at this time, obviously to win people's sympathy.

Outsiders don't know the truth, so they naturally sympathize with the weak.

Come and go, there are too many rumors, Dongfang Ling will naturally feel pressure.

Only she was wrong again.

Since the moment Xiyao fell in love with Dongfang Ling, she has been making mistakes all the time.

Just like Yin Yi's love for Murong Xue, love is true love, but she has been unable to find the right way.

Dongfang Ling is the kind of person who can be easily controlled by rumors. For him, no matter what others say, he is still him.I will never make any changes in my life because of gossip.

And Murong Xue is definitely not very human, she just treats those three-inch tricks as a joke, and it doesn't even affect her mood.

It's just that Shuang'er is not worth it for them. Seeing the two laughing at the rumors, she even asked:
"Why don't you just kill her? Isn't that all right?"

As soon as these words came out, Murong Xue was startled suddenly.

Then turning to Murong Shuang, it was hard to imagine that such words would come out of her mouth.

Killing, when did her Shuang'er talk about killing so calmly?
Dongfang Ling also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with what Shuang'er subconsciously said, so he quickly said:
"Shuang'er, don't talk nonsense, lest you make your sister unhappy."

Murong Xue raised her hand to stop his words, then stared at Shuang'er for a while, and said:
"What's a good thing to kill? Are you afraid?"

Shuang'er smiled wryly, and a maturity that didn't match her age appeared on her face again.

Every time at this time, Murong Xue's heart would be filled with sadness and self-blame.

(End of this chapter)

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