Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 612 Shuang'er's Sensitivity

Chapter 612 Shuang'er's Sensitivity

"Sister." She said hoarsely, her throat was a little tight. "I'm already like this, why should I be afraid of killing people! The mother of Tian Song and Dance Workshop once beat a girl to death in front of me, just because she wanted to escape from the dance workshop. That time I ran away with her Yes, and the reason why I was not beaten to death is entirely because my face is prettier than hers."

There was a moment of silence between the three of them, Murong Shuang's words made them understand that the child's suffering cannot be made up for by the joy and care of these few days.

Those things have penetrated into her bone marrow, affecting her life every moment.

Dongfang Ling felt sorry for her, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her:

"Don't worry, Shuang'er, you will definitely take care of the matter at the Tian Song and Dance Workshop. After Prince Dashun gets married, we will go back to Yanchi. No one will remember Miss Yuan'er from now on."

Murong Xue also nodded,

"Yes, don't worry, Shuang'er, my sister has a princess mansion, and that will be your home from now on! You don't know, the princess mansion is connected with his Lingwang mansion. That home is very big, and everyone in the family will treat you very well." good very good."

The two of them scrambled to promise her the future life and happiness in the future.

It's just that this kind of guarantee seems so unreliable to Murong Shuang, so easy to lose.

She really wanted to hold on to it firmly, but her heart was always uneasy.

Having experienced the world too early, this girl has a sensitivity that ordinary people don't have.

Why is she still feeling faintly uneasy under the joint commitment of such a powerful two people?

Why did she feel that many things would happen, so that it was impossible for her to follow them back to Yanchi safely?

Why did the so-called Dongsheng, the so-called Princess Xiyao, and the hermit prince make her so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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