Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 613 Shuang’er’s Price Is 1 Gold 2

Chapter 613 Shuang’er’s price is 100 million taels of gold 1
From Murong Shuang's point of view, those people are all stumbling blocks on her road to happiness. If they are not removed, not only will her sister and brother-in-law have troubles, but she will also suffer bad luck!

Unfortunately, she can only dance, not martial arts.

Otherwise, she really doesn't mind being an executioner instead of her sister.

As long as life can be calmed down, as long as the brother and sister can stop making trouble, she is willing to do anything.


Both Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue knew that the matter of Tian Song and Dance Workshop could not be delayed any longer.

It was less than three days before Tang Chu's big wedding, and after three days, they were going back to Yanchi.

It's just that they came from afar, so they brought a lot of money, but not too much.

If the opponent's lion speaks loudly, I'm afraid there will be some troubles.

Of course, there are more direct ways to deal with that place, but this is Dashun after all, and they come as guests, so it's not easy to make too much noise on other people's land.

After much deliberation, Murong Xue decided to send someone over to ask the price first.

Naturally, it would be best to leave this errand to Biqing, but she is a woman after all, and going to that kind of place makes people feel uneasy.

It was Dongfang Ling who reacted quickly, pointed out the two eunuchs to Biqing and took them away together, and brought two hidden guards.

The hidden guards were just in case, and the two palace slaves had to play the leading role.

The palace slave's special voice and appearance will give the other party a reminder, and this reminder will naturally reveal Biqing's identity.

No matter how background and backing the Heavenly Song and Dance House has, it won't make things difficult for the people in the palace.

Biqing went smoothly, but the news she brought back was really infuriating.

Tian Song and Dance Workshop gave her a rubbing copy of Shuang'er's contract of selling her body, which stated that she would sell her body for a lifetime, and if someone redeemed her, she would need 100 million taels of gold.

Murong Xue scratched her head, thinking in her mind how much the 100 million taels of gold should be worth.

(End of this chapter)

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