Chapter 618 Arrested

Murong Shuang never expected to encounter such a farce before, she just sat by this lake with nothing to do, because this is the only lake with fresh water in the palace, and there is a wind blowing by the lake, so it is very cool.

The only blame is that Na Xiyao went to the doctor in a hurry and mistook her for Murong Xue.

Yes, they are very similar.

Although her appearance is not as beautiful as her sister's, her figure and facial features are still seven or eight points.

Shuang'er is not like Murong Xue, the soul of two lifetimes, her thoughts are truly mature.

She was just driven by the reality and lost the hope she should have had in life. When she really did things, she was still like a child in many cases, thinking too simply.

If it was Murong Xue, she would never pick up a stone and smash Xiyao's head.

Even if she wanted to kill someone, she would use the sharpest weapon to stab the opponent's vitals.

If one blow does not kill her, the troublesome one is herself.

Yes, Shuang'er is in trouble.

Xiyao's fainting gave her a moment of pleasure, but before she raised her hand and continued to smash it, the scream before she fainted had already attracted the guards who were patrolling here.

So Shuang'er was captured.

Thus, Xiyao was rescued.

So, by this lake, another story about Xiyao, Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue spread in the palace, enriching people's gossip.

It's just that Murong Shuang was added to the story this time.

People are more used to calling her Miss Yuan'er. Of course, such a title is not acceptable in front of the master.

After all, she has been recognized as a younger sister by the Yanchi Princess Luoxue, so her status is naturally much more noble.

Even if she was imprisoned, the prison warden was still polite to her, and she wasn't too embarrassed.

The news quickly reached the ears of Murong Xue and Dongfang Ling. The two of them still didn't quite believe it. With Shuang'er's weak appearance, how could she assassinate Xiyao?

(End of this chapter)

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