Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 619 Sending 1 Injection to Let Her Go West

Chapter 619 Sending an Injection to Let Her Go West

Yes!Someone reported that it was Miss Murongshuang who attempted to assassinate Dongsheng's Princess Xiyao, and she has now been captured.

Her name is Biqing, and she asked:

"Where's Frost?"

Biqing hurriedly replied:

"They said they were going for a stroll in the garden, so I asked the girl to follow. Just now, the girl came back and said that Shuang'er was sitting by the lake, and it was cool there, so she came back to get a shawl."

Seeing Murong Xue frown, Bi Qing thought for a while and said:

"Why don't the servants go and have a look first!"

Dongfang Ling nodded:

"Alright! You take someone to jail and see the situation." Then he said to Murong Xue: "Why don't you go with Bi Qing."

"No need." She shook her head, "I'll go to Xiyao to have a look."

He was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly and said:
"It doesn't matter what you see, it's either seriously injured or slightly injured. In short, it won't die, otherwise Dongsheng's people would have come to the door long ago."

"I haven't seen Yin Yi for several days." She said suddenly, "Has it been a long time since I saw Yin Yi? Has he appeared in Wenlefang these days?"

Dongfang Ling shook his head,
"No! But I heard that he was ill. The servant said that he was not used to the environment of Dashun, and he had been ill for a few days."

She waved her hands casually, not knowing whether the words were true or not.

But at this time, she didn't care about Yin Yi, Shuang'er was still in prison, but she just had the urge to visit Xiyao.

"Whether it's dead or not, I have to go and see." She snorted coldly, "If the injury is light, just ask her what she did to provoke Shuang'er to kill her. If the injury is serious, I might as well help her relieve the pain directly. Give her an injection and let her go to the west!"

She never concealed her dislike for Xiyao, but this was the first time she said such words.

Dongfang Ling knew that it was Xiyao who pushed her into a hurry.

"Go!" He didn't bother to bother, "I'm tired of looking at that girl, I've been tossing around like this all day long, and I don't know when she's the boss! But I think you still have to go find Tang Chu." He was very It was a little helpless, "We are guests after all, how can we directly ask the prison in the palace to release people. I am afraid that Tang Chu is the most suitable person to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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