Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 620 The fake princess is injured, the real princess doesn't care

Chapter 620 The fake princess is injured, the real princess doesn't care
She knew that what he said was true, but she always felt that she was really unfair to Tang Chu.

Ask when there is something to do, and when there is nothing to do... In the past few days, she has almost avoided him.


When I arrived at the palace where Dong Sheng came to live, I saw Yinyao sitting alone on a rocking chair under a tree, eating fruits leisurely.

He was not disturbed at all by the imperial physicians who kept shuttling back and forth in the yard.

She smiled wryly, walked forward, sat down on the chair beside her, and said:
"Look at the people in your yard are in a mess, why are you still so leisurely?"

Seeing Murong Xue coming, Yin Yao was not too surprised, as if she guessed that she would definitely come, she just handed the fruit in her hand to eat, and said to herself:
"The counterfeit princess is injured. It would be good to have an imperial doctor to see it. Why should I, the real princess, take care of it. Besides—" he pointed to a room on the east side of the yard while talking, and said, "I I can't even help my brother when he's sick, so why not care about her."

"How's your brother's illness?" She asked casually, but looked at Xiyao's room.

There are imperial physicians constantly coming in and out, but it seems that there is no serious problem, and the imperial physicians are just doing routine checkups.

"I don't know." The woman replied flatly: "No one is allowed in, and I occasionally talk to me through the window. It seems that I have caught a cold and my voice is hoarse."

While speaking, he straightened up suddenly, moved closer to Murong Xue, and said:
"I heard that Shuang'er has been arrested! She is really stupid, she has already started to attack, why not be more ruthless! You see that Xiyao is half dead now, most likely she is pretending to be pitiful there, but unfortunately no one pays attention to her It's so annoying! Shuang'er is too stupid, anyway, it's a favor to get her out, but Xiyao is only injured, it's not worth it!"

Murongxue was a little helpless, according to Yinyao's words, Shuang'er should have killed Xiyao directly, and it was worth going to jail for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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