Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 633 What are you afraid of?

Chapter 633 What are you afraid of?

Throwing down a word, and then turned around, but saw Biqing running towards this side in a hurry.

I saw that his face was pale, and he staggered when he walked.

He sighed helplessly, then turned around and said to Xiang Ye:
"No matter what, let's continue the wedding first. The wedding sedan chair has to be sent to the palace, and it will be safe after entering the palace."

After saying this, he immediately greeted Biqing.

When the two met, the first thing they said was——

"Did you see Shuang'er?"

Biqing nodded, but immediately shook her head again, and then said weakly:

"There was a person who came very quickly. The servant didn't even see if it was a person, but saw a black shadow running behind you. At that time, you just took out the needle, and the black shadow was right behind you. Flee, Shuang'er is gone."

Then pointing in one direction, he said:

"I saw the place where the black shadow disappeared!"

Murong Xue followed her eyes and saw that it was in the direction of the north of the city.

Gritting his teeth secretly, he has never been so angry before.

"I'm really afraid of something coming!" He said fiercely, and then said to Biqing: "Don't worry about the send-off team, you should go back to the palace first." While talking, she took out a waist card that Dashun gave her and handed it to Biqing. Bi Qing: "Tell Dongfang Ling to ask some hidden guards to look for him in the north of the city, and I will leave marks with silver needles along the way. Remember, you must tell him quietly, don't disturb the prince's wedding, you know?"

Biqing nodded solemnly, she also knew that the situation was serious, but she was really worried about Murong Xue looking for it by herself like this.

But Murong Xue had no time to gossip with her anymore, seeing that the team sending off her relatives had been reassembled, she hurriedly gave Bi Qing a push, and said:
"Hurry up and go!"

While speaking, the person had already exhausted his internal energy and rushed towards the north of the city.

Bi Qing saw a group of pink shadows "swish" passing by in front of her eyes, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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