Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 634 Finding Dongfang Ling

Chapter 634 Finding Dongfang Ling

That movement was not slower than the black shadow who took Shuang'er away before.

She knew that no matter how worried she was, it was unnecessary, so she also started to run towards the palace.

Because of an accident in the middle, the team sending off the relatives no longer walked slowly for parade as before.

The person who carried the sedan chair moved a lot more quickly, and almost ran towards the palace at a trot.

But there were still too many people in the team, and it was still much slower than Biqing who was alone.

When Biqing entered the palace, a red carpet in the main hall had already been spread to the gate of heaven.

There were so many people watching the ceremony that it filled the circular field in the center.

She frantically searched for Dongfang Ling inside, and managed to pass through the crowded crowd, only to see that the noble person had already sat on the main stage, and the prince Tang Chu who was also dressed in a red wedding robe Only a dozen steps away.

He didn't expect that Biqing would come back first. When he saw her, Dongfang Ling subconsciously went behind her to look for Murong Xue, but when he met Biqing's panicked eyes, he immediately understood that something must have happened.

"My lord!" Bi Qing approached without being polite, and said directly: "Something has happened. On the way to see off the relatives, a mysterious person suddenly came and played a very strange tune, and everyone who heard it felt like dying. Snow Maiden smashed the man's flute, but the man's accomplice also kidnapped Shuang'er at this time. Xue Maiden went to the north of the city to chase after her, and asked the slaves to come back and tell the prince to send secret guards to help. She would use silver needles along the way. Leave a mark!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongfang Ling got up abruptly, making a gesture to rush out of the palace.

Biqing was so frightened that she stopped the person, looked around again, and whispered:
"My lord! The prince is getting married today, you can't leave at this time! When Miss Xue was leaving, she specially ordered her servants not to disturb the wedding of the prince. The lord only needs to send out secret guards!"

(End of this chapter)

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