Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 635 Can't Find Xuexue's Tang Chu

Chapter 635 Can't Find Xuexue's Tang Chu
Dongfang Ling didn't care about her words, Murongxue went after Shuang'er, who knows what kind of danger he encountered.Let him still sit here and watch the ceremony?How can he do it!
With a shake of her hand, she broke Biqing away, and then walked forward.

Xiaoan, who was always by his side, understood what Dongfang Ling meant, so he quickly followed suit, and at the same time he stretched out his hand and made a gesture in the air as he moved.

In the crowd, several people dressed as guards immediately surrounded them, and they walked towards the gate of the palace together with the two of them.

Seeing that she couldn't stop her, Biqing had no choice but to give up.

Stand still, praying secretly that nothing will happen again.

Before the few people reached the gate of the palace, the procession to see off their relatives also entered the palace.

The sound of drums and music suddenly ignited the festive atmosphere in the palace.

At this time, a palace slave had already handed Tang Chu a bow and arrow tied with a big red flower, and he wanted to use this bow to shoot at the flower tied with red silk on the top of the wedding sedan chair.

But his gaze didn't linger on the wedding sedan chair for long, what attracted Tang Chu's full attention was the palace carriage that came in after the wedding sedan chair.

He knew that it was prepared for Murong Xue, and he also knew that Murong Xue went to the Xiangguo Mansion yesterday, and then did not come out.

A servant reported that the crown princess asked Princess Luoxue to stay with her.

So, he ordered someone to prepare a palace carriage, but he blamed this move on the head of the Xiangguo Mansion.

But with just one glance, Tang Chu's eyebrows were tightly knit together.

The faint smile on his face froze instantly.

He remembered telling her that on his wedding day, his Xuexue would wear a pink dress and attend the ceremony beautifully.

But why, why was there no one in that palace car.

Not only did he not see Murong Xue, her younger sister was also not seen.

Looking around again, he didn't find the person he was looking for.But Dongfang Ling was hurriedly heading out of the palace with his servants.

(End of this chapter)

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