Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 636 Why Does He Feel Uneasy When He Can't See Xuexue

Chapter 636 Why Does He Feel Uneasy When He Can't See Xuexue

He welcomed his relatives to an empty field closest to the palace gate, and he could look beyond the Tianmen gate.

Dongfang Ling's hasty departure seemed to have sounded a wake-up call for Tang Chu, and a bad premonition arose in his heart—could something have happened to Murong Xue?
At this time the wedding sedan chair had landed, the eunuch stepped forward and whispered beside him:

"Your Highness! It's time to shoot Xihua!"

Tang Chu didn't move, but turned his head to look at Biqing who was closer to him.

He recognized this as Yanchi's maid, but he saw that she was lowering her head and whispering unceasingly, the anxious expression on her face couldn't be concealed, all of it fell into his eyes.

"Chu'er!" Seeing that he did not raise his bow, the queen quietly approached and reminded—"What are you doing? What are you in a daze for! Shoot quickly! So many people are watching, don't let me do it for you!" Shame!"

These words finally woke Tang Chu up.

He settled himself down, desperately persuading himself not to mess up his mind and position at this time.

Didn't you tell yourself to forget it a long time ago!
Didn't she tell herself a long time ago that that girl will belong to her family from now on!
Didn't she tell herself a long time ago that there must be no troubles on the day of the big wedding, and that no matter what happens, Qian Can'er must be married in smoothly!

Didn't I tell myself a long time ago that I should treat the married person kindly, and try my best to give others love!

But why he couldn't see Xuexue, his heart became uneasy again, and he started beating desperately again.

Seeing that something was wrong with her son, the queen gave him a hard twist behind him, then lowered her voice and said:
"Don't think that I don't know what your kid is thinking! But look, no matter what happened to her, hasn't that Yanchi prince chased her out! I have someone who should protect her to protect her, son, today It's not your turn! The bride has already entered the door, you should finish the ceremony for me at least!"

(End of this chapter)

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