Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 653 Leave him to forget him

Chapter 653 Leave him to forget him

Murong Shuang didn't have any opinion on her arrangement.

She knew that her sister had a dangerous journey here, so taking her with her was no different than bringing a burden.

Now that my sister has made the best arrangement for her, what else can she say besides being grateful?

Dashun Palace is a particularly beautiful place, where the master and son are harmonious, and the servants are also harmonious.

She believes that no one will bully her when she lives here, and there will be no more danger.

As long as she doesn't walk out of the palace gate, no one can hurt her anymore.

But on the contrary, Yin Yao did not accept this arrangement.

In front of Dongfang Ling, Murong Xue and Tang Chu, she solemnly shook her head——

"I can't stay!"

Murong Xue really wanted to tell her that staying in Dashun is actually the safest, but Dongfang Ling held her down and whispered:
"Don't worry, listen to what people say."

Yinyao heard it, and looked at Dongfang Ling gratefully, and then said:

"Xue, I know that you are doing it for my own good, and I also know that staying in Dashun is the safest. But Dongsheng is my home after all! There is also my father, mother and concubine. My brother made such a move. For the matter, if I am not by their side, Yao'er will be very uneasy and very uneasy."

While speaking, she took two steps forward, took Murong Xue's hand, and then moved closer to her ear, suppressing her voice to the softest, and then said:
"Xue, I can forget him only by leaving him. Didn't you say that you can't make me unhappy! So, I have to go back."

"But!" Murong Xue frowned subconsciously, she really wanted to say, but now Tang Chu and Qian Can'er's marriage has become a thing of the past, if she really can't let it go, she will fight to see it again.

She was going to marry Dongfang Ling sooner or later, and one day Tang Chu would be able to let go of this relationship.

There will always be a day when she and him will become real relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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