Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 654 Protecting Tang Chu is actually protecting the light in my heart

Chapter 654 Protecting Tang Chu is actually protecting the light in my heart

"Stop it!" Her words were blocked by Yinyao, and she had no chance to speak again. "Xue, Dashun is such a good place. How could I have the heart to drag this country into war. Let me go home! I would rather be smashed to pieces than lose the smile on Tang Chu's face."

Her voice was very soft, except for Murong Xue, no one could hear what she was saying.

But these words almost brought tears to Murong Xue's eyes.

I don't want to lose the smile on Tang Chu's face, yes, that's the sentence.

Once upon a time, she told herself that too.

For a person like her, staying away from Tang Chu is the best way to protect that man.

She would rather Tang Chu always smile and hide his peerless martial arts, and she would not show his white-clothed Shengxue figure in the chaotic arena one day.

This world is already too dirty, only one Dashun is so beautiful, and only one Tang Chu is so brilliant.

Therefore, whether it is Murong Xue, Yin Yao, or even Dongfang Ling, they are protecting this land intentionally or unintentionally.

Just like Yinyao, she would rather give up her love than keep herself as far away as possible.

Protecting Dashun and Tang Chu is actually protecting the light in their hearts.

Most likely, that was the only light!

"Even if the flames of war are going to ignite, let it burn between Dongsheng and Yanchi! Why drag another Dashun into the water!"

Yinyao's voice raised, and the last sentence was heard by everyone present.

Tang Chu blinked, wanting to say that Dashun is not afraid of war, and behind Dashun Xianghe, there is also a strong military strength of his own.

But he couldn't say it after all.

He is a prince, always responsible for one side of the people.

No matter how strong a country is, as long as there is chaos in war, innocent people will inevitably be hurt.

In his view, there is no distinction between high and low.

(End of this chapter)

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