Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 669 I Want to Fight Side by Side with You

Chapter 669 I Want to Fight Side by Side with You
After getting along for so many years, his breathing rhythm, his footsteps, his smell, which one is not in her heart.

There is no need to see, to distinguish, it is only based on feeling.

"What are you thinking about?" The branches were a little crowded, he stretched his arms around her shoulders, letting her nestle in his arms. "After driving for so many days, it's hard to put up the tent, why don't you go and have a good sleep?"

His voice was very soft, as if he was whispering in her ear.

This feeling is like coaxing a child, completely losing the coolness and majesty that His Royal Highness Ling should have.

However, she is familiar with Dongfang Ling like this.

Over the years, no matter how arrogant he was outside, when facing her, he was patient, careful, pampered, and loved.

"In fact, everyone is still asleep! If you don't believe me, go and have a look." She said to let him look, but she nestled her head under her neck again, where it was warmer and more comfortable.

"You!" He sighed softly, rubbing her hair lovingly, "You are always so worried, if you want to sleep, I will naturally guard you outside your tent, how can I let you have half a baby? Danger."

"That's right!" She nodded, "That's it! I know you will, but I don't want you to worry too much about me."

"What the hell are you thinking!" Dongfang Ling felt helpless, "You are a woman and I am a man, so I should protect you."

"But I don't want to be like this!" She raised her head slightly, "I want to be as strong as you, share your worries, and fight side by side with you."

She spoke very seriously, and even straightened up to meet his eyes——

"Dongfang Ling, I don't want to be the kind of woman who stays at home doing laundry and cooking, waiting for her husband to bring back the money! I want to be with you all the time, even if you are on the battlefield at the border, I want to ride a horse Hold a gun and stand with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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