Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 670 Pretending to be Murong Xue

Chapter 670 Pretending to be Murong Xue
Of course, Murong Xue couldn't just leave casually.

The movements of this group of people seemed random, but no one could guarantee whether there would be a pair or even a few pairs of eyes staring at them all the time.

Therefore, Dongfang Ling is very young, even if Murong Xue is to be released back to the capital, her safety must be guaranteed to the greatest extent possible.

At least let her leave without anyone noticing, and she can't be watched from the beginning.

In the early morning of the next day, Dongfang Ling summoned all the generals to discuss matters in the tent, and Murong Xue was also there.

About an hour later, ten dark guards were sent back to the nearest town in Dashun to buy some necessary items and food.

Then he took Murong Xue to patrol around, telling the soldiers from time to time to be careful and not to be careless.

Murong Xue changed into white clothes and put on a veil again, and she returned to her appearance when she first arrived in Dashun.

The soldiers all had different demeanors when they saw her, but under the signal of Dongfang Ling's eyes, they all kept silent and treated each other with the same courtesy as before.

After walking around the camp, the two returned to Murong Xue's tent.

As soon as he entered the door, the woman following behind quickly let go of the hand held by Dongfang Lingqing, then took off one side of the veil, and whispered:

"My lord, is this okay?"

The person who spoke was Biqing, the one in white was also Biqing, and the one walking hand in hand with Dongfang Ling was also Biqing.

That's right, she was the one who pretended to be Murong Xue, starting from the morning when the soldiers came in to discuss matters.

And one of the ten soldiers who left was his real body.

Facing her question, Dongfang Ling could only let out a long sigh, and said:

"I hope it will work! She is stubborn, and no one can persuade her to come back when she decides to do something good."

Bi Qing didn't say much anymore, what she has to do now is to dress up as Murong Xue and go out from time to time.

Of course, a veil is mandatory.

(End of this chapter)

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