Chapter 671
Murong Xue's departure was a toss-up, first she changed into men's clothes and followed the ten hidden guards out of the camp, and then changed into ordinary people's clothes in the town and slipped away quietly.

And the vacancy of the ten hidden guards was replaced by a soldier who followed quietly, and they returned to the barracks together.

Before she set off, she deliberately painted her face black, and then glued her big double eyelids with a paste, turning them into standard single phoenix eyes.

Coupled with this masculine attire, people who are not familiar with her will not be able to recognize who she is at all.

The woman set off from that small town in Qingli on the second day and traveled dozens of miles like ordinary people.

It wasn't until he turned around into Yanchi territory that he gradually increased his speed and started to walk quickly.

This detour path is very narrow, it is built around a high mountain, it is not specially built, it seems to be stepped on by people who often go hunting in the mountain.

It's fine for her to pass here alone, but it's a pity that Dongfang Ling's team can't come.

Not only did this road not allow so many people to pass through, they were afraid that they would be targeted by the enemy as soon as they entered the mountain.

Of course, even though her whereabouts were considered concealed, Murong Xue still didn't dare to be careless.

This journey is really awesome, seeing all directions and listening to all directions, she didn't even let a bird fly by in the sky.

Occasionally there is the sound of small animals passing by in the mountains, and she has to be very careful to distinguish between human voices and animal voices.

Although he had always held the silver needle in his hand, he did not dare to release it easily.

This silver needle has almost become her symbolic weapon, anyone who knows her knows what this silver needle represents.

Therefore, she cannot leave any traces related to needles along the way.

After passing Changbo, the rest of the towns were not blocked like Changbo, but the guards checked carefully enough.

Most of the time, she didn't dare to go in through the city gate. No matter how much she pretended to look like, if those guards searched her body like a man, her target would definitely be exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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