Chapter 672
Therefore, most of the time, if she could not go to the city, she would try not to go to the city.

Although the distance will be much longer if you go around the city, at least it is safe.

When it is really necessary to pass through the city, try to choose to go forward when the guards are about to change their guards.

At that time, people who have been working for a day will be very tired, and relatively speaking, they will be more relaxed in the investigation of those who come.

Or simply sneak under someone else's wagon, hide in someone else's wares, sneak into town, and buy a horse to keep going.

After running like this for eight days, they finally arrived within the jurisdiction of Yanchi Capital at dawn on the ninth day.

It was just dawn at that time, and it was quiet outside the city gate, except for a few sleepy guards, there was no one in sight.

But if you look up a little, you can see that just above the city gate, there are almost every step at a time, full of soldiers with sharp knives.

Some of those generals are very familiar, they are from the capital of Jiumen.

But some were so unfamiliar that she was sure she had never seen them before.

It seems that the people guarding the security of the capital are not all from Jiumen Capital.

Even more than half of them have been replaced by the ruling Dongfanghan.

She hated secretly in her heart, but she was not in a hurry to enter the city for a while.

He just stood not far away, looked at the situation at the east gate, and then turned his horse's head and ran in another direction.

She didn't go anywhere else, it was the small mountain stream where the hundred hidden guards were trained on weekdays.

There is a secret place, and the only ones who know about that place in this world, apart from the one hundred hidden guards who won't tell even if they die, are only her, Dongfang Ling, Biqing and Xiaoan.

All of them are her own people, Murong Xue believes that that place is still safe.

The fact is exactly as she expected, when she galloped to the mountain stream that ordinary people can hardly enter, first she saw that there was no one in the white snow mountain stream, even the birds in the sky did not fly to this place .

(End of this chapter)

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