Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 684 Stealing in the Palace

Chapter 684 Stealing in the Palace

Murong Xue hid behind his fat body, his petite body was completely blocked by him, and successfully disappeared from the guard's sight.

The carriage drove in for a while, and she gently opened the corner of the curtain, just in time to see a group of imperial guards passing by.

Calculating that it would take another minute for the imperial army to pass through here, he quickly tightened his body again, leaped forward, and successfully jumped out of the carriage.

That Fucheng's consciousness gradually recovered, but he completely forgot what happened just now, and only heard him shout in the carriage:
"Where is this?"

The driver replied:
"My lord, we are almost at the Dragon Palace!"

He let out an "oh", wondering why he fell asleep, he didn't even know he had entered the palace.

Murong Xue hid behind the rockery beside the road, shrugging her shoulders and snickering.

Her ability to hypnotize doesn't seem too bad, if Feng Su'er is here, she can show it off to her!
While thinking this way, he raised his head to identify the direction, and then quietly groped towards the Dragon Palace.

Her purpose of coming to the palace tonight is actually very simple, nothing else, just to steal a cloth scroll to write an imperial decree!

She knew that those things were stored in a bookcase at the back of the Dragon Hall, and were specially kept by the eunuch in charge.

When they got there, the eunuch who guarded the gate was half dozing off in a daze.

Murong Xue didn't want to bother, so she rushed to the roof, removed a few tiles, and squeezed in along the small hole.

The cloth scroll was easy to get, and I really wanted to sneak back to the front hall to see what Dongfang Han was doing.

But she didn't want to cause more trouble, not to mention there were more important things waiting for her to complete.

If you want to enter this palace, you can naturally enter tomorrow, but you can't stay here any longer tonight.

Thinking of this, the woman hurriedly stuffed the cloth shaft into her clothes, then probed around, and after confirming that it was safe, she lowered her waist and stalked away.

(End of this chapter)

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