Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 685 Write a False Imperial Decree

Chapter 685 Write a False Imperial Decree
When he returned to the princess mansion again, he still found the secret passage in the Yongshan medicine shop.

Only this time it went straight to bed.

Although she doesn't come back, Pearl sleeps in this sleeping room every night.

Everyone in the house knew that she was the princess' servant, and it was normal for her to sleep outside.

She deliberately did not turn off the candles all night, in order not to make others suspicious, Pearl hugged a few leather jackets, saying that she would mend them overnight.

When Murong Xue came back, the little girl was holding a bunch of leather jackets in a daze in front of the candlelight.

Seeing her coming back, he quickly got up and greeted her.

Before the girl could start, Murong Xue said first:
"Prepare pen and ink, hurry up!"

Pearl knew that the matter was urgent, so she didn't say much, and hurried outside to find the pen and ink from the cabinet.

Because Murong Xue often writes and draws in his bedroom on weekdays, and he has ready-made pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

Pearl put the things on the table, then rolled up her sleeves and began to grind them actively.

But what Murong Xue did was very straightforward, she just spread out the cloth scroll and placed it flat on the table, and recalled Emperor Wu's handwriting in her mind.

Afterwards, he picked up his pen and used the words of the emperor's imperial decree to write down a decree for King Zhun Ling to enter the capital!
Pearl literacy was taught by Murong Xue himself.

Seeing her master concocting an imperial decree in the room, the little girl was so shocked that she couldn't even close her mouth.

When he finally regained his language ability, he whispered in surprise:

"Master! What are you doing here?"

Murong Xue shrugged, seeing that the handwriting just finished had been wiped off, so she rolled up the cloth scroll again, and found another box to pack it in.

Turning around, she said to Pearl:
"Didn't you see? I'm writing an imperial decree!"

Pearl strokes,

"Of course the servant saw it, but...but..."

(End of this chapter)

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