Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 701 An annoying territory

Chapter 701 An annoying territory

More importantly, it made him see Yin Yi's strength, and felt that the other party could really defeat Dongfang Ling, thus pushing him to the throne.

Of course, these so-called transactions are just Murong Xue's conjectures, but they are not far off.

A fool can also know what Dongsheng and Dongfanghan are planning on both sides.

Nothing more than one to be independent.

And the other one is to become emperor!
But what is that?

Seeing that Murong Xue was contemplating, Zhou Zheng didn't say anything to interrupt, but just stood quietly aside, carefully watching for any movement outside the door.

She didn't think for a while before closing her eyes slightly, the answer was actually always in her heart, she just wanted to confirm it again.

What else can produce results so quickly?
The key lies in that territory!

Just imagine, if Yin Yi asked a frontier person to perform the flute sound in front of Dongfang Han.

Either shock people's eardrums with sound waves to death, or use it to hypnotize the other party to completely surrender to themselves.

That would indeed have an immediate effect, not to mention Dongfang Han, I am afraid that anyone who saw such a weird thing would surrender to it!

"I'm afraid I have to go to the palace tonight." She still spoke to herself, as if she was speaking to Zhou Zheng, or talking to herself.

"Your subordinate, let's go with you!" Zhou Zheng was really worried that Murong Xue would act alone again.

She hadn't slept for several days, such a powerful physical exertion and psychological pressure attacked at the same time, even if he was a man, he couldn't stand it.

What's more, she is still a woman.

No matter how tough she is, she is still a woman after all.

"it is good!"

Murong Xue didn't refuse this time, not out of concern for her own safety, she just wanted to take Zhou Zheng into the palace to have a look.

Familiarize yourself with the environment in the palace, and you will have one more helper when you do things in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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