Chapter 702

Through these few days of contact, Zhou Zheng gave her a very good impression.

At least several trips back and forth between the snowy mountain stream and the capital without any mistakes, it shows that this person is very clever.

Furthermore, Zhou was the secret guard, and Murong Xue and Dongfang Ling had [-]% trust in the hundred guards.

And they can indeed bear this trust. For Yu Yinwei, he has no life, and their lives have been handed over to his master early in the morning.


When Murong Xue entered the palace again, in addition to being cautious, she also had one more job, which was commentary.

She was responsible for explaining the situation in the palace to Zhou Zheng in general, especially pointing out the geographical location of several important palace courtyards again.

It was a re-pointing, because she had drawn a map of the palace as early as in the previous training, and told the map to the hidden guards, and they even had a drill to save people in the palace.

Of course, that's all virtual.

It was the first time for Zhou Zheng to enter the palace for the dark guard.

But he quickly integrated the actual situation with the map he had memorized in his mind before, and even blurted out the name of the palace and who lived in it when Murong Xue pointed out several places for him. And what does it do.

Murong Xue gave a thumbs up to show her compliments, then bent her back again, and led Zhou Zheng along the way, rushing to the place where the imperial guard barracks were.

The imperial guards have a separate camp in the palace, to the west, and the place is quite large.

There is also a school field used for training, where Dongfang Ling used to train the soldiers of the Imperial Army.

Because the imperial guards are related to the safety of the entire Erhuang Palace, and directly protect the emperor's safety.

Therefore, other than Emperor Wu and Dongfang Ling Murongxue, no one else could enter this place without permission. .

(End of this chapter)

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