Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 703 The Strange Camp in the Palace

Chapter 703 The Strange Camp in the Palace

However, Dongfang Han is in charge of the government according to the order, so there are no restrictions on this situation for him.

Murong Xue led Zhou Zhengxing to the tent of the imperial army, avoiding all kinds of eyes and ears, the two of them were only separated from the school ground by a small corridor.

She looked up, then reached out and pointed upwards.

Then he was the first to jump, and ran straight to a tall tree behind him.

Zhou Zheng followed her example and jumped up.

Standing at a high place, Murong Xue was finally able to fully see the Imperial Guard barracks not far ahead.

But it can be seen that more than half of the originally spacious school grounds have been occupied by countless military tents. The tents are all dark, no one is burning candles, and there are soldiers and generals constantly patrolling outside, but they are not members of the imperial guards.

Murong Xue's brows were tightly knit, and she could clearly feel that something was wrong with the imperial guards.

This school field was originally used for practice, and the tents that were erected later seemed to be for people to live in.

But in fact, on weekdays, the guards and soldiers of the Forbidden Army are all changing guards, and those who are not on duty can go back home.

Even if you are resting in the palace, you will have a special room, and you will not just sleep in a tent like this.

And these tents are set up here, it really seems a bit nondescript.

The so-called camp tents are things prepared for fighting outside. They are set up in the wild for soldiers to rest.

I have never heard of anyone putting up the tent in the palace.

Obviously, this is a temporary residence for some people who do not live in the palace.

Moreover, this part of the population is not only unable to arrange vacant rooms because of the large number, but also because the person who made the decision wanted to place these people together so that they would not disperse due to room allocation.

She understood that the people living there must be the soldiers of the imperial army who had been with her for more than three years.

"Look, princess!" Just as he was thinking, Zhou Zheng touched her arm, then stretched out his forearm, pointed to a corner of the school yard, and said, "Why does it seem like there is a person squatting there?"


The update ends today.I saw a message from a reader asking that mobile phone updates are slower than the website.Here, Nini would like to say that the update on the mobile phone is indeed a few beats slower than the website.Because the website is manually updated by Nini herself, the speed and content are controlled by Nini herself.On the mobile phone, it was edited and uploaded, and Nini couldn't operate it, so the speed cannot be guaranteed.Also, the mobile phone editor may copy some of what Nini said to readers like now, this is embarrassing...

(End of this chapter)

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