Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 704 Xue Qi Wants to Escape

Chapter 704 Xue Qi Wants to Escape

Frontier people!
Glancing at that person's attire, Murong Xue instantly became bored in her heart.

It seemed that, as she had expected, it was not Dongfang Han who really controlled the Forbidden Army Camp, but the force from the frontier.

This is the trickiest!
Hold the man and put him on the ground temporarily.At the same time, he turned his head and looked around. After confirming that there was no one there, he took out a silver needle and gently inserted it into the cloth tent.

She did this to test, although she recognized that the person squatting on the ground was Xue Qi, but it was still the original Xue Qi, so she couldn't guarantee it.

Because of the appearance of border people, everything on the side of the Imperial Guard has become no longer fixed, and even many unexpected things will appear.

Her silver needle guards are well known, and now Xue Qi is in front of him, if he can recognize it, at least it means that the person is normal.

The silver needle came out, and she waited patiently.

However, after a short while, I felt that the needle was lightly touched by someone on the other head.

After waiting for a while, I saw that the cloth tent began to be lightly pointed with a finger.

Not long after, there was a very small voice, very soft and very careful.

But Murong Xue could still hear the other party saying:

"Princess! Is it a princess?"

She was overjoyed, it was Xue Qi's voice.

He recognized her voice, so she was less worried.

"Xue Qi, why are you squatting in the corner?"

She retracted the needle and asked directly, without answering the question of yes or no.

Because they are too familiar with each other, as long as they open their mouths, the other party will naturally hear the truth.

"Princess, I want to escape. A hole has been dug in this place, and I can get out from here."

"Escape?" She frowned slightly, thinking about Xue Qi's words.

Escape, easier said than done?

(End of this chapter)

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