Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 705 Xue Qi's Anger

Chapter 705 Xue Qi's Anger

Before coming, she actually thought that if she could see Xue Qi, it would be best if she could take him out of the palace.

But on second thought, if she went to take someone out of the palace, it would be difficult to avoid leaving some clues, which would very likely reveal the secret that she had returned to the capital.

And now, she still doesn't want the enemy to know where she is.

Just about to tell Xue Qi that it is not right to run away rashly, but suddenly there is a slight movement under his feet.

She looked down and found the ground under the moving ground.

The person stepped back slightly, only to see that the piece of land had been dug up from below.

Not long after, Xue Qi's head emerged from the soil.

Now that the matter was over, she had no choice but to stretch out her hand and give him a hand, helping him to be pulled out of the hole.

But it was this tug that immediately made her change her mind.

With this soil hole, it means that this person ran away by himself, and he didn't have to go into the camp to save people at all.

She just needs to send people out of the palace without anyone noticing.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately raised his index finger to his lips, signaling him to keep quiet.

Then he pointed to the frontier man with his acupoints sealed lying on the ground, and whispered:

"Stand still, I'll take this person away first, and I'll come back to pick you up later."

Xue Qi's reaction was very strong. When he saw the border man, he suddenly became furious, raised his foot and kicked the man.

Murong Xue was startled, and hurriedly stopped him, and at the same time glared at him, asking with her eyes——

"what are you doing?"

Looking at Xue Qi again, his face was flushed from suffocation, his eyes were bulging out with anger, his chest was heaving and falling, his fists were clenched so tightly that his joints creaked.

The man pointed at the frontier man with one hand, and pointed at the camp behind him with the other. He looked like he wanted to curse, but he also knew that now was not the time to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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