Chapter 708

This miracle doctor Ge was originally a Chinese medicine doctor, and she and Dongfang Ling brought him out of the mountains by accident two years ago.

At that time, the old man was going to live in seclusion in the mountains with his family and all his belongings in a carriage. Unfortunately, he met a robber on the way, and his daughter and wife were killed by the other party.

He was disheartened and wanted to fight the gangsters to the death.

It's a pity that he is weak and has no kung fu, and he is about to be chopped down by the knife.

It was she and Dongfang Ling who happened to pass by there and rescued the old man.

After that, Miracle Doctor Ge followed them back to the capital and knew their identities.

It happened that Murong Xue had a Yongshan Medicine Shop, so he discussed with the old genius doctor to let him stay there.

She didn't hide anything from the old man, including what the Yongshan Pharmacy was doing, what she and Dongfang Ling were thinking, and how the secret passage was used.

Doctor Ge is old, but he is not confused.

Ever since he nodded and followed Ling Wang a few years ago, he has never had any ambiguities.

In the past two years, Murong Xue not only discussed with him some principles of Chinese medicine, but also taught him some western medical practices.

The old man is not exclusive, and accepts everything that is beneficial to the doctor, and thinks carefully from time to time.

For example, he knows how to use high alcohol to disinfect, for example, he already knows how to push needles with Murong Xue's improved needle tube.

He even learned how to use a knife and stitches.

However, he only uses all the methods of western medicine when he is treating his own patients, and he always uses the methods that people are used to when he sees patients from outside.

Of course, this was also reminded by Murong Xue.

In her words, this Yongshan medicine shop can't let people see that it has anything to do with the Princess Mansion or Ling Wang's Mansion.

It is a completely independent existence!

Therefore, Miracle Doctor Ge's special abilities cannot be exposed, because many people know that such abilities are only possessed by Princess Luoxue!

(End of this chapter)

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