Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 709 All these hatreds must be reported in the newspapers

Chapter 709 All these grudges must be repaid

Seeing several people coming in, Pearl and Ah Fu saluted slightly, Miracle Doctor Ge just turned his head to signal, and then focused on Yue Qi.

Yue Qi had already bathed and changed into clean clothes, and the wounds all over his body were also treated by Doctor Ge.

He looked a lot healthier than when Zhou Zhenggang brought him back, but compared to before, he was still horrible.

Xue Qi glanced there, then turned his head away, sighed softly, and said to Zhou Zheng:

"How did this brother get hurt like this?"

Murong Xue also sighed heavily, and then said:
"He is Yueqi."

"What?" Xue Qi was almost stunned, turned his head back with great difficulty, stared at the person on the bed for a long time, and rubbed his eyes countless times, still unable to believe that the person in front of him was the former majestic man. The nine gates of the eight sides are all unified.

Hearing that Murong Xue and others came back, he also knew that they brought others back.

Yue Qi, who was lying on the bed and enduring the pain, had guessed who it was, but when he heard the other party speak, he immediately knew that it was his good friend Xue Qi.

He became excited again for a while, and wanted to struggle to get up, but was held down by Miracle Doctor Ge——

"Don't move!"

He had no choice but to lie down again, but he opened his mouth and said:
"Brother, I'm useless!"

Xue Qi was a few years younger than him, and the two were called Jingdu Shuangqi, and they had a very good personal relationship on weekdays, and they were called brothers.

Xue Qi, who had already vomited in the Forbidden Army camp, couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to the front, grabbed Yue Qi's arm which was considered to be intact, and burst into tears.

Murong Xue couldn't bear to see this scene either, so she just told Pearl a few words to tell her to take Xue Qi to the study to meet her after her mood stabilized.

Then he led Zhou Zhenghui out of the dark room, sat straight on the guest chair in the study, took two deep breaths, and said:
"You all watch! I will repay all these hatreds one by one!"

(End of this chapter)

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