Chapter 717
The Miao people just follow the secret method handed down from generation to generation, and they never fail.

Of course, not all Miao people raise Gu.

Some people raise it because they like it.

There are also some people who raise them because of their special status and must raise them.For example, the patriarch, such as the priest in the clan.

There are also some people who raise Gu because of their own needs.

However, 80.00% of the Miao people know this Gu no matter whether they raise it or not.

As for the woman who lived with her, Murong Xue didn't know whether it was because she was born unwilling to get close to others that she fell in love with raising Gu, or because she had raised Gu and it was inconvenient to get close to others.

However, it may also be because Murong Xue is an outsider, and the Miao people are somewhat xenophobic, so she can receive courtesy, but cannot get too deep communication and exchange.

After living for a long time, she also heard something about that woman.

It turned out that the woman fell in love with an outsider a year ago.

That person had only lived in the clan for less than ten days, but the relationship between the two developed smoothly.

Miaojiang is a large place. Although they are all Miao people, they are also divided into many different tribes.

And each tribe has their own customs.

The tribe where she lives also has a custom, that is, when a girl is just born, a priest will draw a red line on the girl's right forearm.

The red thread will always accompany the woman's growth until she gets married, or more directly, until the woman is broken, and the red thread will disappear on the arm.

Although Miao people also live in the 21st century, they are not as open as outsiders.

But if a man and a woman really love each other, it's okay to live together before marriage.

It's just that everyone knows that if you touch Miao girl, you really can only focus on it for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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