Chapter 718 What is Gu?

However, after all, Murong Xue is a person who has accepted the technological civilization of the 21st century. In her opinion, the so-called "Gu" is actually a kind of bacteria.

And this kind of bacteria did not know when it was mastered and used by people in Miaojiang.

That kind of bacteria may have appeared in Miaojiang at the beginning, and the Miao people tasted the sweetness after mastering all its special effects, and regarded it as a kind of ability bestowed by the gods on the Miao people.

They choose worms as the parasites of that bacterium, and then use the worms to selectively spread that bacterium.

It's just that the kind of bacteria is still unknown to people in the 21st century who already have a certain degree of civilization.

There was once a person who had been infected by Gu went to a hospital with the most advanced medical methods in the world for a full-body examination, but the result of the examination was that the person was very healthy.

Therefore, "Gu" cannot be found out, even if you clearly know its existence, but you just can't find out what form it exists in your body.

If you can't find it, you won't be able to cure it naturally.

Until the poisonous Gu takes hold, whether it is death or injury, it depends on what kind of wish the person who swallowed the Gu made himself.


"Princess!" Murong Xue's sudden blankness caused everyone in the dark room to panic.

Especially when the weird way of death of the frontier man was right in front of him, Pearl was already trembling with fright.

"It's okay!" She waved her hand, "I just thought of something, as if I know how he died."

"Then..." Zhou Zheng hesitated whether to ask further.

Because if Murong Xue wanted to say something, she would say it without him asking her.

If he doesn't want to say it, it's useless for him to ask, it's just annoying the master for nothing.

But Murong Xue's current state is that she looks like she wants to say something, but the words are stuck in her mouth, and she can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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