Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 733 What can I do, help him fight!

Chapter 733 What can I do, help him fight!

This is actually a clever move. If one side directly pointed the finger at Dongsheng, then Yin Yi's own territory would be on fire, and naturally he would have no time to take care of Dongfang Han.

In fact, this is a bet that Yin Yi made with them.

Just bet whether she and Dongfang Ling want the capital or Dongsheng.

If Dongsheng was to be achieved, Dongfang Han would most likely not intervene in the war between the two sides, but would take advantage of Dongfang Ling's opportunity to fight in Tuzhou to ascend the throne himself, making him lose a chance to become emperor in a legitimate way.

Of course, they could also ask for Dongsheng and then fight back to the capital, but Yanchi, who has gone through such a war, will be seriously injured whether he is a commoner or an official.

It is simply impossible for Dongfang Ling to restore Yanchi to the original state in a short period of time.

Therefore, when that day comes, Dongfang Ling must always be prepared to face the situation where Yanchi is surrounded by other surrounding countries.

And if they want the capital, they can narrow the scope of the war.

But at the same time, he also had to face threats from both Dongfang Han and hermit.

But now Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue had parted ways, and she returned to the capital with hidden guards, nine generals, and the imperial guards who could ask Bai Mosheng to end the hypnosis at any time.

And he took ten secret guards, one hundred Dashun's personal soldiers, and Fang Yi's troops that Murong Xue had secretly transferred to kill Dongsheng directly.

This move is a good move, but it is also really dangerous.

Although Dongsheng is a vassal state, it still dominates one side's territory anyway.

Although Zhao Yanchi's military strength is much inferior, compared with the troops Dongfang Ling is holding at the moment, he still has an overwhelming advantage.

Therefore, Murong Xue couldn't help worrying about it, and also couldn't help admiring Dongfang Ling's boldness.

"Princess!" Zhou Zheng stepped forward, "What shall we do?"

She took a deep breath, then smiled coquettishly.

"What can I do, help him fight!" The tone was relaxed and determined.

(End of this chapter)

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