Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 734 She is going to see Dongfang Yang

Chapter 734 She is going to see Dongfang Yang

Murong Xue knew that Dongfang Ling must have understood everything she thought of.

And the reason why they chose to send troops to fight when they all knew about it was because they had complete trust in Murong Xue.

He knew that as long as she was there, there would be no chaos in the capital.

The capital is not chaotic, and he has no consideration for fighting in the front!


She said yes, but for a while she didn't know how to help.

The hidden guards cannot be transferred away, nor can the Nine Gates Capital, and the imperial guards cannot move for the time being.

And although she has the Tiger Talisman in her hand, if she is asked to take the Tiger Talisman to find the princes who commanded the Yanchi army one by one at this time, and then let those princes go to the camp to dispatch troops...

The time is too long, and the ancient communication technology is limited. I am afraid that Dongfang Ling will not be able to support it after all parties have arrived.

What's more, even though he has the Tiger Talisman in his hand, he still has to talk to those princes who hold the handsome seal first.

Of course, she can also directly dispatch troops without going through the prince, but it would be fine if the troops were concentrated in one place, but now they are scattered around, she can't call one by one!

After much deliberation, the only option is to go to Dongfang Yang first.

The Sixth Prince and Dongfang Ling had always had a good relationship, and Dongfang Yang himself was in charge of one side of the army. After Dongfang Ling handed over his part of the army, half of it returned to Dongfang Yang's tent.

Speaking of which, what he holds in his hands is more troops than any other.

Fang Yi only led half of the soldiers, while Dongfang Yang, apart from that half, had all of himself.

In other words, he has at least three times as many soldiers as Fang Yi!
Having made up her mind, Murong Xue was going to set off immediately to meet Dongfang Yang.

But before she left the city, she discovered that Dongfang Han's soldiers and horses originally deployed in the capital were also beginning to gather.

She was surprised, she didn't know what Dongfang Han was doing at this time.

After thinking about it, it turned out to be a bad idea. Could it be that he also got the news that Dongfang Ling was fighting with Yin Yi in Tuzhou, and wanted to take this opportunity to ascend the throne in one fell swoop?
(End of this chapter)

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