Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 735 Is Dongfang Han out of his mind?

Chapter 735 Is Dongfang Han out of his mind?
When she discovered this situation, she was sneaking to the city gate alone.

The goal of the first stop is the snowy mountain stream, and after going there to explain to Zhan Fang what happened here, he will change horses and run to Dongfangyang's camp.

She didn't take Zhou Zheng with her, and left him in the capital to keep an eye on the situation, and get in touch with the Snowy Mountain Stream at any time.

But when he found out that the army in the capital was moving, Murong Xue stopped when he was about to leave the city.

If Dongfang Han ascended the throne right under her nose, she would be too useless.

Just thinking about what to do next, whether to continue to leave the city or enter the palace to find out what's going on.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the assembled soldiers were not at all going to the palace to guard against Dongfang Han's ascension to the throne.

Their goal was outside the city, but instead of surrounding Kyoto, they marched rapidly along the road to the east.

She was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

To the east, that is the direction to Dongsheng.

Is it possible...

She subconsciously wiped her sweatless forehead, and thought to herself: Dongfang Han, you shouldn't be so stupid!
At this time, he neither enthroned nor waited, and actually dispatched troops to help Yin Yi?
Is your brain flooded?
The cooperative relationship between him and Yin Yi is actually so solid?

No way!
Looking at the city gate again, the vacancy left by half of the troops was immediately filled again.

But the people who made up for him were dressed in different styles, and it was easy to see that they were not Yan Chi's soldiers at all.

She moved a little closer and looked up the city tower, but she saw that some of those people were from the frontier.

Although those people didn't wear long hats like the frontier people she had dealt with in the past, their deep-set eye sockets, dark skin, and slightly thick lips made Murong Xue recognize who they were from at a glance. where.

(End of this chapter)

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