Chapter 747

At dawn, Dongfang Yang's army left.

Seeing that the army was going further and further away until he could no longer see it, Murong Xue turned her head back.

At the same time, I prayed secretly in my heart, hoping that this large army would not encounter any obstacles on the way, and would go all the way to Tuzhou smoothly.

Dongfang Yang left, but Fengtai Camp was not empty.

He left hundreds of people guarding the house, and also some soldiers who specialize in delivering news.

Murong Xue was about to get on her horse and leave, but she saw a soldier riding in a hurry from the direction of Jingdu.

When the man first entered the camp, he was stunned for a moment, and then a soldier greeted him and said a few words to him. Only then did he know that the commander had led the troops away.

Someone brought him in front of Murong Xue. That person had obviously heard of Murong Xue. When he saw her, he immediately saluted her and said:
"Princess! There is movement in Kyoto!"

"Say!" Murong Xue frowned anxiously, and her heart also "thumped".

Although she had made arrangements before she came out, she was still worried that Dongfang Han would cause trouble when she left.

It's not that she doesn't trust Zhou Zheng and the others, it's just that she is really afraid of those people in the frontier.

The soldier stood up, nodded and said:
"Last night, a large number of soldiers from Dongsheng's side arrived in the capital. His Royal Highness King Han opened the city to welcome them, and at the same time relieved his worries about the lack of soldiers."

"how many people?"

The general replied:

"Not less than three thousand."

She closed her eyes slightly, filtered the matter again in her heart, and then realized that the three thousand Dongsheng soldiers must have been dormant in Yanchi territory when she went to Dashun.

After all, Dongfang Han was still scheming but not reclusive. The other party only sent a small group of soldiers and horses, and they entered the capital in two batches.

But he got a large part of his people to Tuzhou.

After all, Dongfang Han lost the deal.

(End of this chapter)

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