Chapter 748

"I see." She opened her eyes again, and said to a lieutenant who stayed behind: "Even if I go back to the capital, you still need to keep in touch with His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness at all times. Be careful when you go to the capital to inquire about news. The current situation is more serious than before.”

The soldier nodded in response, thank you again.

Murong Xue saw that there was no need to stay here anymore, so she led the horse and went back.

She was very angry about Dongfang Han's way of luring wolves into the house, but there was nothing she could do.

When people are hot-headed, they always do things without thinking too much, not to mention that Yin Yi put such a huge temptation in front of Dongfang Han, and he had already rekindled his heart that had been dead for several years.

Today's Dongfang Han seems to be unable to tell right from wrong, and he has only one thing in mind, that is to ascend the throne as soon as possible.

Now she rushed back to Kyoto, firstly to see how many people from Dongsheng had arrived and how effective they were.

Secondly, it is also necessary to see if there are more border people mixed in.

Still the same sentence, they are not afraid of talking hard with Dongsheng.I'm afraid that the border people will play those evil things, and when the time comes to confuse people's hearts, she is really anxious and has nothing to do.

In fact, what she most wanted to see was Emperor Wu.

If it wasn't for Emperor Wu being controlled, she still wanted to inform him of many things in advance.

If things really developed to the point where she had to lead troops to attack the city, she still wanted to hear Emperor Wu's attitude.

Dongfang Ling couldn't be an emperor whose name was unknown. As long as Emperor Wu was still alive, the throne had to be handed down to him by Emperor Wu himself.

This is the persistence that Murong Xue has always had in her heart, and it is also what she strives to fight for Dongfang Ling.

If you want to do it, do it openly, and you must not let him bear the crime of killing your brother and father.

(End of this chapter)

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