Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 759 To the North Courtyard of the Palace

Chapter 759 To the North Courtyard of the Palace

She carried all the pain and fatigue that a man couldn't stand, and everyone saw it and remembered it in their hearts.

No one admires Murong Xue, she is the spiritual pillar, without her, the capital would have been in chaos long ago.


Said it was a good rest, but she only slept for a day and a half.

After waking up at night, he couldn't sleep anymore, so he simply went back to the study of the palace.

Zhou Zhengyi, who was asleep on the bed in the study, opened his eyes immediately when he heard something, but because he had too much contact with Murong Xue, he quickly recognized the sound of her footsteps.

So he grabbed a cloak and came forward, saying:
"Princess, why don't you sleep a little longer!"

She shook her head and whispered:
"I can't sleep anymore, there are so many things waiting to be done, how can I sleep peacefully."

While talking, he waved to Zhou Zheng:
"Zhou Zheng, come with me, I'll show you something."

Zhou Zheng nodded, seeing that Murong Xue had walked to the door of the study and opened it quietly, so he was more careful, knowing that she was going out into the yard.

She led the people quietly around a corridor, and walked to the northernmost part of the palace on her own.

The north side is a little quieter, there is only a small garden suitable for the scene, and usually only some villains come to clean it, and no courtyard is even built.

The two walked all the way to the center of the garden, Murong Xue turned around, and then counted a tree to stand still.

The tree was close to a small hillside, not too high, about the height of three adults piled together.

"Look here." Murong Xue pointed to a protrusion on the hillside, "Put your hand on it!"

Zhou Zheng didn't know what to do, but he still did as she said.

As soon as her hand touched the bulge, Murong Xue said again:

"Hold down, press down."

He did as he said, and pressed down with all his strength, but saw that the protrusion was suddenly concave, and then, the hillside opened a small door in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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