Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 760 What kind of fireworks are simply explosives

Chapter 760 What kind of fireworks are simply explosives
"I left these as a precaution. If the situation here is out of control, you can use these things in a small area to scare the enemy. It is absolutely not allowed to be used on a large scale, Zhou Zheng, can you Understand?"

What she said to Zhou Zheng sounded like listening to a story. There are not many things in this cave. If it is to be transported out, a carriage is enough.

But Murong Xue said that these things are so powerful that they can even raze the imperial palace to the ground.

He whispered to himself, if someone told him this, Zhou Zheng would never believe it.

But it is different now that Murong Xue said those words.

During these years of getting along with each other, the guards almost regarded this woman as a god.

Regardless of whether she was a 12-year-old child at first, or now she is only a 15-year-old girl.

Her image in the hearts of the soldiers has never changed.

People firmly believe that what she said is the truth, as long as she is there, no matter how difficult things can be achieved!

Seeing Zhou Zheng nodding, Murong Xue personally explained how to use these things in detail.

Including how to carry, how to hold, how to ignite.

Zhou Zheng finally understood it thoroughly, and looked at the entrance of the cave, the sky had already turned white.

"I should go!" She breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm going to Tuzhou to help King Ling, and I'll leave it to you and Mr. Bai in the capital. You go to the palace during the day to see Mr. Bai. Now you can There is no better way, we can only take one step at a time, and hope everything can go as we wish!"


Finally on the way to Tuzhou, behind Murong Xue, there were more than 80 hidden guards left in the snowy mountain stream.

The powerful fireworks stored in the cave to the north of Lingwang Mansion are actually explosives.

She didn't want to quickly push this time to the era of hot weapons because of her arrival, but when she was making fireworks last year, she still quietly produced those things and stored them in Lingwang's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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